Τρίτη 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Guardian: Οι 10 μεγαλύτερες διαδηλώσεις της νεότερης ιστορίας

της Μαρίας Καλυβιώτη
από την Αυγή (17/11/2010)

Αυτά, μέχρι τώρα, είναι τα χρόνια της συναίνεσης, της απάθειας και του θριάμβου της πλεονεξίας, του φιλοπόλεμου υπερ-υλισμού και της ηλιθιότητας. Αλλά, στην Αθήνα, οι νέοι και οι συνδικαλιστές αντιπαρέβαλαν μια μεγαλειώδη άρνηση σε όλους αυτούς τους ηγεμονισμούς. Όταν κάλυψα τις ταραχές που ακολούθησαν τον πυροβολισμό του 15χρονου Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου, έμεινα έκπληκτος από τη νοημοσύνη των επαναστατών στην ατελείωτη συζήτησή τους, στο φως των κεριών. Η εξέγερσή τους ήταν επίσης ενάντια στον εικονικό πολιτισμό του blogging αντί της δράσης. Ένας μου είπε: 'Είμαστε ένας ισχυρισμός της πραγματικότητας ενάντια στην εικονικότητα'”. Με αυτά τα λόγια, ο Ed Vulliamy, ο βετεράνος ανταποκριτής του "Observer", περιλαμβάνει τον Δεκέμβρη του 2008 στο ρεπορτάζ του στον Guardian για τις 10 μεγαλύτερες διαδηλώσεις της νεότερης ιστορίας.

Οι υπόλοιπες εννέα είναι:  
- Οι διαμαρτυρίες ενάντια στον πόλεμο του Βιετνάμ, τον Απρίλιο του 1965, στην Ουάσιγκτον, με τη φωτογραφία διαδηλωτή να τοποθετεί ένα λουλούδι στην κάννη του όπλου ενός εθνοφρουρού. 
- Οι “Τρεις ένδοξες ημέρες”, τον Ιούλιο του 1830, στο Παρίσι, η επανάσταση που απεικονίζει ο γνωστός πίνακας του Ντελακρουά.  
- Η κινητοποίηση των Χαρτιστών στην Αγγλία το 1842.  
- Η εξέγερση στο Σοβέτο στη Νότιο Αφρική.  
- Η Άνοιξη της Πράγας. 
- Ο θάνατος της σουφραζέτας, Emily Wilding Davison, για την ψήφο των γυναικών
- Η εξέγερση της Κρονστάνδης. 
- Η κινητοποίηση στη Γέφυρα Burntollet της Β. Ιρλανδίας, το 1969, ενάντια στις διακρίσεις σε βάρος των Καθολικών. 
- Τέλος, η παγκόσμια αντιπολεμική διαδήλωση, στις 15 Φεβρουαρίου του 2003, για τον πόλεμο στο Ιράκ.

- οι φωτογραφίες και οι λεζάντες από τον Guardian:
Athens Polytechnic occupation 2008-9
These have, until now, been times of acquiescence, apathy and the triumph of greed, belligerent hyper-materialism and fatuity. But in Athens, young people and trade unionists mounted a grand refusal of all these hegemonies. When I covered the polytechnic occupation and riots that followed the shooting of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, I was astonished by the intelligence of the rebels in their endless candlelit discourse. Their uprising was also against the virtual culture of blogging instead of doing. One told me: “We are an assertion of the real thing against virtuality”
March on Washington 17 April 1965
There were many epic protests against the Vietnam war that inspired my generation but this photograph of a demonstrator placing a flower in the barrel of a National Guardsman’s gun – a single, small but defiant act of protest – was both of the time and, eternally, an assertion for peace against war. The moment gathered further cogency in May 1970 after the killing of four students at Kent State University in Ohio in a similar protest. It emerged that one of the dead, Allison Krause, had also placed a flower in a gun the previous day
The Three Glorious Days, Paris July 1830
The 1830 revolution in Paris, which overthrew the Bourbon monarchy, gave birth to the modern uprising. It was inspired by philosophical romanticism as well as political ends (the crowds ransacked the Hôtel de Ville, but guarded the Louvre). As a teenager, I was captivated by Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People (above) and loved the fact that composer Hector Berlioz was involved. The revolution’s outcome illustrated the tireless pursuit of rebellion: overthrowing one monarch, only to restore another who would also be overthrown
Chartist general strike 1842 and UK miners’ strike 1984-5
The bookends of the movement for fair employment and the right to work in Britain. The workers’ movement was born in earnest with the Chartist strike – the largest industrial action in the world in the 19th century, with half-a-million workers withdrawing their labour or taking over their factories. The miners’ strike was the last prolonged struggle to preserve not only the right of organisation at work but Britain’s manufacturing base against the looting of national assets. The workers lost, the looters won: the results are plain to see in our post-industrial wastelands
Soweto school strike and uprising 1976
The walkout by pupils at Orlando West Junior School in Soweto on 30 April 1976 in protest at being taught in Afrikaans was the fuse of the movement that came to be led by Nelson Mandela and which overthrew apartheid in South Africa. By June, Soweto was in revolt and some 600 people had been killed by the police and army. But the uprising established the jailed Mandela’s ANC as a guiding force for liberation and was immediately heeded in Britain. That summer, youths chanted “Soweto Soweto” as they were charged by police at Notting Hill carnival
Prague Spring and uprising 1968
Many Czechs recall the events of 1968 with bitterness as a defeat by the Soviet tanks, and of the uprising’s reformist leader, Alexander Dubcek. But, coming as one in a wave of protests that great year of global insurrection, the demonstration was a howl for liberty – both raw and sophisticated – by the people against the forces of Moscow. For me, it was the political awakening. Prague told us that a tank was a tank, whatever colours it wore, and that our movement was the colour of liberty against whomsoever it pitched itself, communist or capitalist
Emily Wilding Davison at the Derby 4 June 1913
How can a protest be among the “best” if a brave woman dies? Because it was a watershed for the movement for votes for women. Davison did not, apparently, intend to die when she threw herself under King George V’s horse on Derby day, 4 June 1913. The jockey, Herbert Jones, was “haunted by that woman’s face” – and so was 20th-century Britain. My late father, whose mother had been a suffragette, saw the Greenham Common protest against cruise missiles in the 1980s as a direct descendant of their pacifist policies. We took them cases of good wine, which were most welcome
Kronstadt commune, Petrograd 1921
Four years after the Russian revolution, the Soviet Communist party cracked down on a series of strikes against it in what is now St Petersburg. In response, sailors of the Kronstadt garrison, aboard the ships Petropavlovsk and Sevastopol, drew up a list of democratic demands that encapsulated the spirit, and continuation, of the revolution. When it was rejected, the sailors formed a “provisional revolutionary committee” and set up a commune. In response, the Red Army was sent in, brutally over-running Kronstadt. This revolution against a revolution has long divided the left
People’s democracy at Burntollet Bridge 1969
Protesters on the student wing of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association sang “We Shall Overcome” as they marched from Belfast to Derry in January 1969, demanding an end to discrimination against Catholics and basic democratic voting rights. At Burntollet Bridge, they were attacked by a mob of Orangemen, encouraged by the sectarian Royal Ulster Constabulary. The ensuing war was not fought by the IRA for equality within the UK – it was too late for that, a chance squandered by loyalist bigots to write a very different, less violent history for both countries
Anti-war protests worldwide 15 February 2003
The day when tens of millions of people across the planet came together to say “no” to the war in Iraq. The protests were overridden by warmongers – Bush, Blair and their cronies – but the protests are, sadly, vindicated by every day of bloody news from the ruins of that beautiful but ravaged, lost country. I walked through New York on 15 February, my children and my partner marched in London, friends marched in Sydney and Mexico. I was among those who tried to report the folly and the lie of WMD from within the US intelligence community itself, as well as protest – but also in vain

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